About PageCog

PageCog is an Australian-based but global web development company focused on delivering straightforward and effective online solutions for businesses. Here’s a detailed exploration of PageCog and an overview of our services

1. Core Offerings:

  • Web Development & E-commerce Stores: PageCog’s primary services encompass creating websites and e-commerce platforms with a hassle-free process. We emphasize a no-nonsense approach where clients can start the process with us and we consult with you to understand your business, industry, requirements and competitive landscape.
  • Custom Design: Unlike many web development firms that might use off-the-shelf templates, PageCog prides itself on creating unique designs for each client, ensuring each website stands out from the competition and doesn’t look like a carbon-copy of every other site
  • Analytics: Our backgrounds are in data, and we have hired a team of the best designers, content writers, developers and marketing experts to provide a data-driven approach to boosting your business. 
  • Hosting Services: PageCog provides professional hosting infrastructure with a global network cache, ensuring reliable and fast website performance. Moreover, we offer a no-cost hosting service for the first year.

2. SEO and Marketing:

  • SEO Optimization: Pagecog tailors websites and content to be search engine optimized, facilitating better online visibility. We have partnered with Revised for online marketing and search optimisation, as well as content generation.
  • Unique Marketing Graphics: PageCog creates unique graphics for each site instead of using stock images, which can provide a more personalized and distinctive online presence.

3. Operational Model:

  • Transparent Pricing: The pricing is transparent with no hidden costs, providing clarity and certainty to clients right from the beginning​.

  • Global Team: They have a global team that works around the clock to deliver expert solutions in design, development, and content. This worldwide team allows them to cover every timezone and provide 24/7 email support​.

  • Rapid Development Process: Their process is designed for speed and efficiency, with an average of 1-3 days to get the first preview site up and running for clients​.

4. Additional Perks:

  • Partner Discounts: Clients receive a 20% discount on email hosting and other products through Pagecog’s partnership with CloudHosted. We also offer security features through a partnership with Cloudflare, and set up clients with Google Analytics and Search Console for performance monitoring.
  • No Commitment Policy: Clients have the flexibility to export their site at any point without any additional cost, embodying a client-centric approach.

5. Company Ethos:

  • Based in Australia with a global team, Pagecog emphasizes a client-first approach, ensuring that the process from conception to going live is streamlined and client-centric. They also provide continuous support to clients, ensuring that their online platforms remain effective and up-to-date.